All About Presbyopia

All About Presbyopia

Around the age of 40, most adults will start experiencing signs of presbyopia.  It is when your eyes gradually lose the ability to see things clearly up close.  The tell-tale sign  may be when you notice yourself needing to hold things further away to read them. ...
Eye Care and the Common Cold

Eye Care and the Common Cold

To help you beat the common cold this season, here are a few things to keep in mind: The best practice for washing hands: wet hands with warm water before applying soap, rub hands together covering each palm, between fingers and then the back of your hand, and then...
Do you suffer from gritty, itchy eyes? It could be dry eye disease.

Dry Eye Can Happen to Anyone

Dry eye occurs when the quantity and/or quality of tears fails to keep the surface of the eye adequately lubricated. The risk of developing dry eye increases with advancing age. These days, though, even young people are developing dry eye due to “digital eye strain”...
Seven causes of eye twitching

Seven causes of eye twitching

Why does my eye twitch? Stress: While we’re all under stress at times, our bodies react in different ways. Eye twitching can be one sign of stress. Tiredness: A lack of sleep, whether because of stress or some other reason, can trigger eyelid spasms. Catching up...